Okay, maybe it wasn't really an impulse buy. I mean, we had talked about it for a while, and last night we finally just decided to go out and get one. EEK!
Now we're just hoping that Beefcake won't knock it over!
Undeniably Punny.
My most recent flickr photos:
A new tv and you watch Fresh Prince of Bel Air (at least that's what it looks like)! ;-)
nice anna, you get a gold star!
Lucky. You're missing 2 stockings.
huge huge improvement! and i think anna may not realize just how much you watch Fresh Prince.
That's really flat! You need a skinnier table now. Or you could put it on the wall.... Then at least the cats couldn't knock it over!
Woooh, a Samsung LCD is definitely the way to go. I see someone did their research. I have a 46" Samsung LCD, how big is that one?
i learned how to hang those suckers on the wall, and i have a drill...so if you feel like spending a little cash, i'll hang it for you. i won't even do it crooked like mine.
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