Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The one with the inevitable.

After two and a half good years, Jared and I have finally come to our senses and realized we were not meant for each other. Even though we still care about each other deeply, we are just too different in our opinions and needs.

He is still around for now and I am hoping we can remain friends for a long time.

I'm not really ready to talk about it much, but feel free to comment if you want.


Alisa said...

Sorry to hear this.. <3, Alisa

Stacey said...

i'm so sorry! i had a breakup a few years back that i knew the whole time we were dating should've happened, but it didn't stop it from hurting incredibly, so i can imagine what you're going through. hugs!

Anonymous said...

Oh Sweetie! If I was in your neck of the woods I would offer you a beer and a great big hug! Your my favorite redhead I all I can say is time will heal a mending heart. Your a beautiful woman and would make a fine catch for any man! hugs!

Carmen said...

I've got beer and hugs!

You seem very serene, and it may just be exhaustion, but you seem to be doing ok. I love you, you know.

Carrie @carrieloves said...

I'm sorry to hear that, sounds as though it is a mutual decision (despite it sucking) and at least it won't be a total loss. Best wishes.

Lovey said...

Oh, crap. I'm sorry. Here's to hugs and beer. :)