Wednesday, December 27, 2006

christmas wrap up (hehehe i'm so punny!)

well i'd say santa was good to me this year:
santa was good to me.

here's my list of some of the gifts i recieved:

-a drill (woohoo!) i asked for

-a toolkit i asked for

-a bottle of parrot bay (which i finished off that same night)

-4 dvds (sandlot, friends series finale, benny & joon, and goonies)

-a sweater, scarf, and earrings (among other nice things) from jared's family

-a really pretty necklace and earrings from my future sister-in-law

-pirate stuff (for my bathroom and because, hello? it's me!)

-wheel of fortune handheld game (to keep me entertained!)

-a digital photography kit from stephen

-some moolah from daddy

-the harry potter bookset from jared

-and an amazing digital picture frame from my sweety! i love that boy.

the best part of christmas was getting to spend all day saturday with my family, and all day monday with my jared and his family.

us, christmas 2006

i still have a few gifts left to give/recieve, but the majority of christmas is over, and for once, i'm sad about it.

so i gave myself a nice little christmas present last night. actually, it's a gift from me to me and to all of you.

i gave my two weeks notice at the brush last night.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

um.. really?

Sounds like I need to check out another amazing Appalachian team. Apparently, our basketball team is kickin' butt too!

I've never been a big basketball fan, but this seems like something Katiebonk and I should check out!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Since when is Christmas less than a week away?!

Last week I was thinking my shopping was almost done and now somehow I've added 4 more people to my list. Who knew gaining a sister-in-law (in April my brother Alan is marrying his gf Wendy) means that I need to get her a little something? And Andrea (my old roomie) told me yesterday that she has a little something for me. And since I'll be staying with my sweetie's parents Christmas Eve I would like to get a little something for them, or at least his mother and sister.

Aye Aye Aye!

Oh, and what's all the crud about it being 70 degrees today? It IS DECEMBER! Hello!! Weather Gods! You're slacking on the job! Give me some snow! When I moved to Hickory from Kannapolis, I was told I'd see some snow in the winter. And? nothing. Two winters so far with no snow. Oh how I miss the Boone winters...

PS I've decided to forgo the telling of the worst day ever that I talked about at the end of my post about Chattanooga. I'll just say this: If that mean old witch ever comes back into the brush while I'm working I'll tell her where she can shove that shot of 7 and 7. :P (why would you want to make a stranger cry?)

Monday, December 18, 2006

this just in...

i've finally posted my pictures from the championship!!
just click on Richie and me!
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

almost TOO much excitement for one weekend.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

So as you probably already know, Appalachian won their 2nd consecutive national championship game Friday night, beating UMASS 28-17. I think that might have been the most fun day I've had, ever.


-took a LOT of pictures.

-got to eat at the yum-diddily-umptious Mellow Mushroom in Chatanooga (that makes 6 different MMs)

-had my picture taken with my sign by at least 20 random people I don't know, and a few I did know, including Blue Ridge Blog's Marie, who I finally got to meet! She even blogged about meeting me (under 2nd picture). I'm still amazed I picked her out of the GINORMOUS crowd after never having actually seen her face.

-I got to meet and get an autograph from Richie Williams! I have a picture, which I will be posting later. What a nice guy.

-I got a cool face tattoo (fake of course) of Yosef, given by Ray the Weather Guy's wife. When I told her I had had him as a lab instructor at ASU she laughed and told me she was sorry. I wish it had been him telling me he was sorry. That class made me cry on more than one occasion. (C++ is a pain in the A++)

-I ran into so many people I know! Including my boss and his family, and a lot of people from the Hickory area! I was there with Katie, Daniel, Stephen (who I bugged into riding with me!) Alisa, Matt, Chad, Jeff, and Tracy.

-Our seats were pretty bad but it was okay because back row = nobody behind you getting mad because you stand on your seat the whole game.

-I yelled so much I lost my voice by halftime. I'm still hoarse today (3 days later).

-Skydivers brought in the game ball!

-There were fireworks (I LOVE FIREWORKS!!!) before and after the game.

-I have a crazy weird video of different points before, during, and after the game.

-The ASU Marching Mountaineers Rock.

-Armanti Edwards and Kevin Richardson and the rest of the football team rock.

-Yosef Rocks (especially when I went to give him a hug and he picked me up and twirled me around!)

-My friends rock.

Let's just sum up by saying I had a really great time! Pictures to come soon!

Also soon to come: This great day was followed by the next day, which was one of the Worst Days Ever. Look for the sordid details soon to come. :(

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Monday, December 11, 2006

going for 2! for real!

Thank Yosef for the Appalachian Mountaineers. After a long and disappointing season from my other 'Neers (the Tampa Bay Buccaneers), I am so glad for my alma mater's fantabulous football program. Watching the game on Saturday, (on HDTV!) I couldn't help but get a little nostalgiac for the days when I was a Marching Mountianeer (2000 and 2001). I wish I could find a picture for proof...

None of that matters now though, because Friday I, along with 20,000 or so other Mountaineer fans, will be in Chatanooga to cheer on Armanti Edwards, Kevin Richardson, and the rest of the most amazing football team in the country. 27 straight wins at home, and now we're going for 2 straight NCAA championships!

I'm bringing with me a UNCC graduate who will be a transplant on Friday. I've already told him he better wear some black and gold Friday, or he's being left behind!

Remember this from last year?

Expect something equally amazing this Friday night.

It really is great to be a Mountaineer.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

"joe waple is hot"

i'm going to tell you about the one and only trend i ever started.

i'm still not sure why i did it. maybe it was the thrill of anonymous graffiti. maybe it was because i thought he'd know it was me and then we'd be together and live out the rest of our days in harmonious bliss that all started with those four words.
or maybe i was under the influence of some illegal substance. who knows.

but 3 years ago, i wrote "joe waple is hot" on the wall of the rankin science elevator.


at age 21.

the next day everyone on 4th floor rankin was discussing it, making jokes, and asking around "who did it?"

i heard that one of the funnier geography professors even went up to him to feel his forehead, then said, "you feeling okay? i heard you were hot."

within two days everyone and their mother decided to write about who they felt was hot in the elevator. i even read one that said "mike mayfield is hot" (mike mayfield is one of the friendlier (and in his 40s) geography professors.

'ye olde ozone flyer' (as it is called) had never seen so much action.

of course the next week one of the senior staff members brought in a can of paint and decided to end everyone's fun. each time he rode the elevator he brought the can of paint with him to make sure he was covering up every single piece of graffiti.

it was fun while it lasted.

did joe know it was me? i don't know. he jokingly said "it had to be you" to me one day, so maybe.

wherever joe is now (i heard wilmington, nc) i hope every once in a while he thinks back to that elevator and says to himself, "i was hot."


so, here's my latest dilemma:

next friday i am going to go to chatanooga for the ncaa division 1-AA championship game to watch appalachian go for 2 (that is, IF we beat youngstown st this saturday). my dilemma is that i reaaaaaaaaaaaaally don't want to drive 4 hours by myself. so, who wants to take off friday afternoon and go with me (IF we win on saturday)????

we'll come back friday night or we could find a hotel somewheres and come back saturday morning!

i don't care what it takes, i'm GOING to chatanooga (IF we win on saturday). if i have to go by myself i will.. but sheesh that's a long way by myself..

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


well i finally found something for jared, something that i can wrap. it's really not that big of a deal, but i think it's cool. if you want to know what it is, ask me and i'll email you. :)

oh and i'm kind of afraid because yesterday brad called and asked for jared's number, and then they talked and now jared knows what brad's getting me for christmas.. which probably means brad knows what jared is getting me.. i have no clue for either of them. i do know that now i need to get something ELSE for brad since he spent more than the $20.00 i told him he was allowed to spend on mine (which is all i spent on his). hmm. oh well.

and i'm also excited because it's secret santa time at the brush. and for once, i have no idea who my secret santa is!

i'm in a much better mood this christmas than last year. thank goodness.

Monday, December 04, 2006

21 days til christmas.... :O!!!!

jared got my xmas present yesterday. i have no idea what it is but i'm excited to say the least.. and now i'm really freaking because i still would like to get him something i can wrap to go along with his duke ticket. nothing huge, but something i can wrap damn it! aaaaaaaaaa and i still have to put up my christmas tree but i'm waiting for the fish to move next door.

we are doing secret santa at the brush and OF COURSE i drew the boss' name out of the basket. wee. responsibility! and speaking of responsibility i will soon begin training in the bar! yep! i will be the official thursday night bartender. that is, of course, if my background check comes out clean :)

my christmas plans are starting to shape up-ish. saturday the 23rd i will go to my ma's for christmas there. then i work christmas eve (where i will make tons of mad cash). and then on xmas day i'm going to canton to hang with jared and his family.

then waaaaaaaaay down the line on the 30th i'm going to my daddy's up in the mountains for that christmas. oh, and then of course later that night is my new years eve squared party. yall better show up!

oh yea and goooooooooo appalachian! hell yea 2 more games to go to be 2 time champions!!

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(i didn't take this)

Friday, December 01, 2006


i'm in an awful mood.
i hate it when i get drunk and say stupid stuff. and then that spirals into way-too-real conversations that leave you feeling like you've been hit by an eighteen-wheeler truck. and then all you feel is numb. i feel numb today.
but as is my tradition, i'll be ok by tomorrow because i'll push the numb feeling back down.

and i don't want to talk about it.. so then why'd i bring it up? because it's my blog and i'm supposed to be able to do that here.


Thursday, November 30, 2006


carmen closes on her condo today! she will officially be my next door neighbor now!! yay! she's just glad she doesn't have to live with meatwad anymore. i love that cat. but he is definitely mean.

anywho wish carmen congrats.

i made an awesome rum cake last night that you'll all be jealous about.

Monday, November 27, 2006


well i survived thanksgiving.. barely. it was a long 6 days (well 5 and a half days) without jared. it was the longest we've been apart ever. but somehow we made it. the text messaging (somewhere around 400 texts were thrown around) was my only means to keep sane. but i still had a good time in virginia with my momma. it was good to do that whole mother/daughter quality time thing. but now i'm uber-tired. and i have to work both jobs today and tomorrow. but at least at i get to see jared tonight!
i took tons of pictures and i'll eventually put them up on the flickr. i need a nap and drink first though...

the coolest thing i saw while on vaca? Robert E. Lee's Angels, which are explained here.

the coolest thing i bought? a new painting for over my couch, of the statue of david. i bought it for $18.75 and it's original price tag was for $250.00. sweet deal.

what i'm excited about now?
christmas music! the music is pretty much the only thing i LOVE about christmas (other than nostalgia). the brush has switched it's music to strictly holiday music. and i found a radio station that only plays christmas music! yay! and, AND i'm almost DONE with my christmas shopping. all i have left are my step siblings, and jared :)

how come nobody had any suggestions for me for a gift for him? grr!! i'm getting him a duke basketball ticket, but i'd like to get him something else to go along with it!! hello people!! anybody?

um.. in other news, i sure do ramble a lot...

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


ethan hawke was my first celebrity crush. after seeing alive i was in L.O.V.E. with that boy. but after a few years i grew out of it which is okay. because seriously, how does one go from this prettiness:

and this hottness:

to this?:

thank goodness i've moved on to johnny, who hasn't failed me yet in the hott department.

Friday, November 17, 2006

like this and like that and like this and up

i bought a video camera and i am muy excited!
i've never had one before. expect me to be posting lots of stuff on youtube.
examples of stuff of you may see:
-me, talking to myself.
-jared, telling me to stop recording him.
-football (mainly a.s.u.)
-drunk people
-drunk people
-drunk people
-my cat
-and maybe just maybe i'll be cool and make a "movie" (no, not that kind of movie, you perv!)

anywho i can't wait to record SOMETHING and put it up so you can watch it. i just have to wait until i find something interesting enough to record.

i wish i had had it monday night at the bucs game. not that there was anything that interesting.. but you know, it would have been more fun than just plain old pictures.

on that note, here is a picture of my buccaneers coming back in for the second half and about to severely disappoint me. :(
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

they're still my team, but damn, they suck. next year. next year.
(yes, this is very similar to my myspace blog, but get over it)

p.s. i need to come up with an idea of something to tell jared to get me for xmas. any suggestions? (not a ring!)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

pictures of Pigeon Forge

i've finally uploaded all the pics from my trip!
click on jared!
wild, weird, cute

Monday, November 13, 2006

pigeon forge!

well can i just say i had a really really really fantabulous weekend with jared?
some highlights:

-jared is sweet :)

-king sized bed!

-top floor room and you had to use the key card to go to that floor off the elevator

-i beat jared by 1 stroke playing minigolf (he got mad and tore up the scorecard, but i still have it)

-he beat me on the go-karts (:P)

-won a bunch of tickets in the arcade! i love skeeball. really.

-jared is sweet.

-fell asleep at 11:30 on friday and 12:00 on saturday. just because we could. (that's early!!)

-the aquarium in gatlinburg FRIGGIN RULES! i have never ever been that close to sharks. most people that know me know how afraid i am of sharks. honestly, they're most of the reason i don't get into water. (except my hot tub)
i really reallly really liked the aquarium and took a bunch of pictures which i will be posting on flickr tomorrow night.. maybe. if i ever get the time.

-i got MOST of my christmas shopping done. which is a huge relief because i hate that part of the holidays. christmas depresses me sometimes just because of all the pressure. of course, i still have yet to get jared a present yet.

-it rained pretty much all day saturday, but it was ok, except when the power went out in 1/2 the town! including stoplights (which made the already horrendous traffic even more so) and also our hotel (which delayed my after-rain-hair showering and caused us to eat dinner at 4:30!)

-we went to ripley's believe it or not, which wasn't all i thought it would be. at least not for the 30 bucks i spent to get us in.

-jared is sweet.

-then we went to this really cool bar called hogs & honeys in gatlinburg. it's great because people dance on the bar! not just the people that work there either. i didn't dance anywhere except on the floor next to jared, even though i got a little drunk! it took me 2 hours to convince him to dance with me,

-some whore in the long ass line in the bathroom at the bar told me she felt bad because she should let me pee first because of my "condition". apparently my fave shirt makes me look pregnant. then she told me i should burn it since that's the impression it gives off. whore.

-then i got all emotional because i was drunk.

-jared is sweet and came up with a new nickname for me: ally berry. hahaha

-sunday we shopped a little more then left. on the way home we stopped in canton to see his family.

-his mom gave me a hug goodbye :)

-we had lunch/early dinner at the sagebrush in canton. ha.

then, after a looooong weekend we were finally home and i did some laundry and went to bed.

i really love that boy. it says something that we survived a weekend all alone together and never wanted to kill each other

Thursday, November 09, 2006

well it's about darn time.

only took me 2.5 days. this game is REALLY hard.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


for the past couple of months, the I.T. guy at my office and others have been going bandwidth crazy and being super internet nazis going so far as to block any sites they deem "innapropriate". this i understand. but when they go so far as to accuse me of looking at po*n on my work computer, i get upset. who in their right mind would be dumb enough to look at po*n on their work computer? it really really pissed me off. i'm sure some website i looked at must have had a link to some bad website or something. and who knows? i could have clicked on something accidentally without realizing what it was. and i'm sure if i did, i closed it immediately when i realized what it was. but obviously that's not the point. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

so anywho, now i'm really paranoid that THE MAN is tracking every single thing i look at on the web. which is why i've been so inactive on here and other websites the past few days. yes, i have internet at home. but i'm so rarely home that when i do go home, all i want to do is veg, not sit at the computer. my coworker daniel says i should just lay low for a couple months and that then all of this crap will blow over, and that it's not just me. still, i'm pissed off. when i get bored? i want to look at internet. now i'm stuck playing spider solitare and minesweeper (which is friggin impossible to beat!!).

rant over.

so yea.
and my hottub works!! yay!! i've been in it a couple of times already. it rules. except i think we put too much chlorine in it.. hopefully after a little bit that will subside.. we'll see.

2 more days til me and jared go to pigeon forge!! i'm sooooooooooooooooo excited.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

guess what?

guess who has a working hot tub now?
:) :) :)

Thursday, November 02, 2006

well, there ya go.

i don't eat seafood. not at all.

people think i'm weird.

now i can say i'm just preparing for the future.

google (couldn't think of anything else as a title)

have you ever noticed how sometimes movies really stick with you? tuesday night carmen and i watched wicker park. i still can't decide whether i hated it or loved it. it is an amazingly grabbing movie. i couldn't get up from it. and ever since then i've still been feeling very emotional, mostly about jared. i think i just live my life in a fairy tale or something. of course then last night i was in a seriously sad funk. for no reason. i was just sad and had absolutely no reason to be so. i don't usually get that way. so then i went over to jared's. and then we went to see employee of the month, and it made me feel all better. what an underrated movie. i loved it. i laughed a lot harder at that then i did at talladega nights. but maybe that's just my brand of humor. plus, dane cook is seriously fine.

i had an awesome halloween weekend. check out my pics from the not-that-cold appstate game, and from b's 3rd annual costume party. i had a great time, except for the 3 hour AWFUL drive from boone to durham. grah. i never want to drive again.

katie and allison. super close friends.

anywho. 8 more days til jared and i leave for pigeon forge. :)

Thursday, October 26, 2006

for once, something on me is TOO thin, and that's bad.

so i went to charlotte on tuesday to dr. christenbury's (christenbury eye center) to get a free screening to see if i qualify for lasik. well after they did like 30 tests and dilated me and i sat around forever, dr. christenbury (OMG! celebrity!) finally came in for about 3 minutes to tell me that my corneas are too thin and my astigmatism is too bad to get lasik. BOO. heredity is a bitch.

he said there is a new procedure that will be approved by the FDA in the next few months that would be good for me. it's kind of like a contact lens implant in my eye. it's a lot like this. so i'm going back in 6 months. another 6 months of contacts :(.

anywho. i'm really excited because Nov. 10-12 jared and i are going to Pigeon Forge! i've never been there before. and i wanted us to go somewhere for a weekend getaway and this is where we've decided to go. just the two of us all weekend with no work! yay! we're going to have so much fun. i'm so so so so so excited. :)

book meme

I've been tagged by Katie, but i really don't read that much. seems like lately i'm just too darn busy for reading (except celebrity gossip blogs).

1) One book that changed your life:
2) One book that you read more than once: Alive by Piers Paul Read
3) One book you’d want on a deserted island: To Kill a Mockingbird I guess.
4) One book that made you laugh: when i was a kid, all of the sweet valley twins books
5) One book that made you cry: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
6) One book you wish you’d written: i don't know.. um.. Big Fish?
7) One book you wish had never been written: Siddhartha, Old Man in the Sea, the Jungle, all of which i had to read in high school and hated. (i had to read Siddhartha in college too:P)
8) One book you’re currently reading: Miracle in the Andes
9) One book you’ve been meaning to read: The Da Vinci Code
10) Tag five people: i don't have anyone to tag, but anyone who reads this is welcome to comment.

Monday, October 23, 2006


well i had another pretty-darn-good weekend!

i got to watch the appalachian game saturday at jared's. it was real nail-biter with a double overtime win over georgia southern!

and then yesterday brad was here and we went to buffalo wild wings to watch the tampa bay game. wow. i had almost given up hope of my team winning some this year. and who would have thought we'd beat philadelphia? sheesh!
it was one of those moments where things move in slow motion and then all of a sudden you're yelling and screaming and hugging and high-fiving! yay for the third longest field goal in NFL history!

and then last night i won $15 playing poker.
lunch today with jared!

Friday, October 20, 2006

50 more things (Because why the hell not)

well since it's been precisely a year since i created my list of 50 things about me (because 100 is a bit much), i've decided to go ahead and be cool and finish my list. just cause.

51. i have terrible eyesight. when i was in 3rd grade i would get sick and throw up once a week from headaches. now i have awful contacts and serious dry-eye. trying to get lasik.
52. i have autographs from almost all of my favorite musicians/bands including mc chris, the avett brothers, daniel johns (silverchair), brandon flowers (killers), and many many others including vanilla ice, green day, and bloodhound gang.
53. the one autograph i am missing is Beck's. i almost got it when i chased his tourbus through downtown charlotte.
54. in high school i made an entire 2 inch thick notebook dedicated to Beck. i went through hundreds of magazines looking for pictures of Beck, and i would cut them out and put them in there, along with drawings of him and poems and lyrics by him. i still have it :)
55. the furthest away from home i've ever been is Ireland (well technically cali, but i liked ireland better). i went in 9th grade with my high school marching band.
56. i've discovered first hand that there are very few redheads in Ireland.
57. i hate portajohns with a passion and once vowed to never use one again. i broke that vow at bele chere after one too many beers.
58. halloween is my favorite holiday.
59. i have a vow with my best friend Brad that if neither of us are married by age 30 that we will marry each other.
60. i'd really like to be married by the time i'm 30.
61. i have a lovely little cat named Meatwad. he's beautiful but incredibly mean.
62. i love gummi worms. any time i have to drive for more than an hour at a time, i always stop to buy gummi worms for the ride.
63. i'm slightly chubby :)
64. i don't have a lot of street smarts, and what i do have i learned from watching t.v. i swear t.v. raised me.
65. i think brad pitt is overrated. :o
66. my nickname at my high school job was "Troll" because i once dyed my hair purple.
67. my second car was a bonneville that was spray-painted all over with flames and drawings and friend's names. i called it "Melvin". It would have been a great candidate for Pimp My Ride.
68. i believe naming your car is good luck. but then again, i'm on car number 7 and i'm only 24. i've had the silver surfer, melvin, scout/boo radley, beteguise, white lightning, leroy, and the black pearl.
69. i always have to have a green room. in my college apartment, my bedroom was easter egg green. i painted my room at andrea's blah green. my dining area in my condo is mint chocolate chip ice cream green.
70. i'm a very happy-go-lucky type of girl, but i get frustrated very easy and get a lump in my throat any time i think something is wrong and it's my fault.
71. i'm also a very jealous person. any time a girl even looks at my man i want to scratch her eyeballs out.
72. i'm very good at hiding my emotions.
73. i've never been in a fist fight where i fought back.
74. i went to summer camp for 4 summers when i was a kid and loved every minute of it. except for that one time this girl hit me twice and i didn't fight back.
75. i'm a pacifist, always have been.
76. i believe in karma, always have.
77. i've never been religious.
78. i've never voted for george bush.
79. i hate talking about politics.
80. i would never bungi jump, but i'd love to try sky-diving.
81. i'm afraid of deep water. especially if it's dark.
82. i'm afraid of spiders and sharks. but not snakes.
83. i sing in the shower, but only when i'm alone in the house.
84. in case you didn't know it already from how much i talk about it, i hate summer.
85. i have 2 other blogs that you don't know about :)
86. for a brief period of time in college, i was big into the "meet me" section of i met several boys that way, but only one was face-to-face. we ended up hitting it off, and he introduced me to Six Feet Under, one of the greatest t.v. shows ever made.
87. i'm going to strive to eat at as many Mellow Mushrooms as possible. so far i have 5 down: boone, blowing rock, wilmington, asheville, and columbia. 40 more to go!
88. i've kissed the blarney stone.
89. i was in marching band for 6 years and i loved it. i played the clarinet, and for a while the trumpet too.
90. i have quite possibly the WORST singing voice you will ever hear. ask anyone who's ever heard me. ask my middle school chorus teacher who had the pleasure (or displeasure) of hearing me try out for chorus in 7th grade. i didn't make it.
91. i'm very into NFL. i currently have 2 fantasy football teams, who aren't doing too good...
92. i have an overactive immune system. i very rarely get sick and when i do, it's only for a very short period of time. i heal quickly too.
93. i got mono once in 10th grade and only missed 2 days of school. i got it from being on the girl's soccer team.
94. i do NOT like country music, and i don't think i ever will.
95. my favorite band plays blue-grassy type rock (the avett brothers).
96. i collect homies, decks of cards, snowglobes, anything to do with star wars, johnny depp, or maps.
97. i won this year's office NC-AA pool by picking Florida. i picked them just because i was born there. and i won $153.00! and spent it on sheets and a vacuum cleaner.
98. i own my own condo, at the ripe old age of 24.
99. i have never successfully kept a new year's resolution. but i'm thinking this year might be the year. my resolution was to be happy and be myself.
100. i am in love.*

*all items on this list are subject to change. get over it.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

don't worry. it's just a bad dream...

this week me and jared have both had some crazy dreams.

monday morning jared told me he had a dream about me.

"what was it?" i say.

"i don't want to tell you"

"you have to now"

"i had a dream that you were demanding a ring from me by christmas. and then you told me that we needed to be married by the end of next year"

..hmm.. how does one respond to that? i simply said, "i've already got a ring. i bought it from target for ten dollars so you're off the hook."

so then last night i had a dream about him. and, strangely enough, my ex beau adam. i dreamt that they were both competing for my affection. and then, i was pregnant with jared's baby. then everything went awry. i haven't told him about that one yet, but i will.

some people might say that these dreams are wishful thinking or something. i say the pregnancy dreams comes from the fact that my halloween costume this year involves me dressing up as a pregnant lady. and i bought the maternity shirt when i was with jared, and then last night tried it on over the pregnant belly i purchased from party city. he said it was cute. that's where that comes from. as much as i would like to someday have a baby, perhaps with jared, perhaps not, i'm not really ready now. i couldn't afford it. and i'm having too much fun being selfish. do you know how NOT selfish you have to be to have a baby? sheesh.

as far as his dream goes, well, that was his dream, not mine, so i don't know where he got it from.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


i have finally uploaded my pictures from savannah on flickr! just remember these are only a fraction of the 300 and some odd pictures i took there. but these are all i'm posting on flickr! enjoy! click on the picture below to go to the set!
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in other news, today is my ex beau adam's 26th birthday! so happy bday to him! i'm going to call him tonight to wish him a happy birthday and ask him why my hot tub STILL doesn't work. and then i'm going to tell him that me and katie ate at the mellow mushroom in columbia on friday and i didn't even call him! he'll probably be pissed considering he LOVES mellow mushroom, and since i was in the same town as him and didn't even call. oh well.

jared is sick! poor baby has a coldish. i hope you feel better soon sweets!

and carmen is *this* close to buying the condo next door to mine with the cool bay window!! yay!! i'm so excited!

next year will the best year yet!

Monday, October 16, 2006

B oo!

man. man o man. i had a BLAST in Savannah. Katie and I rode down to Savannah on friday morning to meet andrea and erica for 3 days of drunken debauchery. man, it rocked.
i drank a lot of booze, took a LOT of pictures, danced with a lot of boys, and saw a lot of really cool stuff. i don't even know where to begin. i think the highlight of the weekend was when we were on the second floor of the moon river pub, on a haunted pub crawl, when all of sudden a man ran down from the unoccupied 3rd floor scaring the CRAP out of erica and me. but that's just one of a million great stories from the weekend. i can't fathom trying to write them all here. let's just say i had a great time. i've never been on a girl's weekend before. i hope i get to do it again soon! all this funness has made me REALLy want to go somewhere for a weekend with jared. since i'm not going to the cayman's i think i'm gonna try to go november 12-14 with him. where? not sure. charleston is looking expensive for that weekend. probably myrtle beach. yea.

i'll tell you i SURE did miss him this weekend. i talked to him a LOT on the phone, even once while i was throwing up! he said it was cute, so i guess that's love.

anywho keep checking the flickr. i'll eventually get around to posting some (not all!) of the pics!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

sad :(

my mom called me yesterday to tell me that my kitty lucifer (who lives at ma's house) was hit by a car and killed tuesday. that sucks. but he was an old man and lived a loong happy life. i got him when i was 14 and he has been a lazy, mouse killing machine for 10 years. i'll miss that pretty kitty.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

here's an oldie for ya

since i haven't had a whole lot to blog about lately, i'm gonna take the advice of maggie from her book, which i ordered the other day and show you an old journal entry. not just an OLD journal entry, but my very first journal entry, from 10th grade. i still have my old journal, and still write in it from time to time.

so here goes:

" Saturday, March 21, 1998
I dumped my boyfriend yesterday. But I desperately WANT HIM BACK. He was so perfect. I just got jealous because of Melissa Murph. I HATE her. I don't like to use that word, but I do. I wrote him this letter, put it in his mailbox, realized he wouldn't check his mail til Monday afternoon, then went & reclaimed the letter. I'm going to go to his house tomorrow to just give it to him. God I'm tired"

i only wish i still had this letter, i'm sure it's really awful.. imagine me at 15, with my jnco pants and my bloodhound gang t-shirts and i was in love with this boy, Smokey:

ah, tenth grade. :)

Friday, October 06, 2006

Thursday, October 05, 2006

now make a wish and blow out the candle!

now make a wish and blow out the candle!

hehehe he LOVED that hat too.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Happy Birthday Cheesecake!

Today is Jared's birthday! He's finally 24 like me! Tonight we celebrate, with more Carnegie Deli Cheesecake! woohoo!!

Monday, October 02, 2006

i love october.

i freakin love the weather in october.
as you may or may not have noticed, i HATE hot. i hate sticky summers. i hate being sweaty and i hate what happens to my hair in the summer. so naturally, i LOVE october, when it is perfect weather.

i only wish i could be out in it more often. this is the only month of the year that i actually enjoy GPS'n.

i also love october because of pumpkin beer. something about having pumpkin spice in my beer makes me feel all warm inside.

and let's not forget halloween, my most favorite holiday ever. what could possibly be more fun than dressing up and pretending to be somebody else, and that being okay?

did i mention the weather?

i hope i get to make it up to boone again soon.. i am going to the oct. 28th game at ASU, but i'm afraid it maybe a little cold by then. not like i mind!

if it was october all year long, i'd be happy.


Friday, September 29, 2006


i think i'm getting sick.
i'm in a funky mood..

want to go back to sleep. not like i haven't gotten enough this week.

Rudy? Great movie.

Pumpkin Ale? Rules.

Tampa Bay? Not doing so good. Hopefully the new QB will change that.

Jared? Still Awesome. His birthday is next Wednesday and I got him the coolest thing ever. Wanna know what it is? click here


Monday, September 25, 2006

smorgasbord.. (how do you spell that?)

I'm coming off of another great weekend.. i really do have the life..

friday night after the brush, jared and i and a bunch of brushers partied old-school style at the hickory tavern to celebrate my friend sam's 30th birthday. if you feel like looking a bunch of drunken pictures, click here. they're really not anything special though. there is one of me kissing a girl, but i chose not to put that one on the internet, as it is too incriminating.
whiskey sour

anywho.. then saturday was a busy busy busy busy night at the brush (for once!) i pretty much fell asleep immediately after getting home from work. but it was worth it.. and it was a damn good sleep.

sunday was the best though. after work (at 4 pm) i went to pick up jared and we headed down to my mom's house where he met: mom, will (my step-dad), my brother alan, my brother scott, my niece elora, my niece madelyn, my ex-sister in law heather, and my brother's friend ian. yea i'm sure it was a little overwhelming, but jared handled it very well. my family can be kind of loud, but they were well behaved last night. i'm just happy my brother wasn't drunk already when we got there. then the boys were kind enough to include jared in the football throwing time! that was pretty hot. and then we played some pool on my step-dad's pool table. and i beat jared.. twice. the only reason i lost one game was because i scratched on the 8 ball. i think he was letting me win! what a sweety!

overall i think my family really liked him. which is good. because i do.

tonight i'm scheduled to work, but they called and told me i didn't have to if i didn't want to.. so instead: TARGET!! WOOHOO!!

p.s. yea, the bucs lost to the friggin panthers. but with this awfulness come hope as chris simms is out for a while. new qb time!

Friday, September 22, 2006

so i called my mom today....

so i called my mom today....and she's all, "how come you took jared up to the mountains to meet your dad? when do i get to meet him? i never get to meet your boyfriends. do you love your dad more than you love me?" ok maybe i'm paraphrashing a little.. but still. my mom exaggerates a lot. it scares me to think that one day, i'll be just like her. because you know, you always turn out like your mother, whether you realize it or not. maybe i'll be more like my dad though. at this stage in my life, i'm definitely leaning towards my dad's personality. he's a glass-is-half-full type of guy, and i'm pretty much optimistic all the time. my mother? not so much. in fact, there were a couple years right after my parents got divorced when i wasn't sure my mom wasn't going to kill herself. luckily, paxil or zoloft one cured her of that and made home livable again.

i look a lot like her.. sort of. in the face i do. when she was my age, she was anorexic-looking skinny. heh. but then in her 30's she weighed around 300 pounds. it's strange. now she's just normal though. i hope to god i never let myself get like that. i think if i were to ever even hit 200 pounds i may have to resort to an eating disorder. and i'm not kidding.

me and mommy

i look nothing like my dad.. but i know he's my dad. i mean, we're both incredible geeks. we would both KILL to go on a vacation to egypt. my ideal day would be to spend most of my time walking around a museum of wicked-cool mummy artifacts. we both have degrees in geography. in fact, i didn't even know he had a geography degree and when i told him i was going to switch to geography, he thought it was sweet that i was copying my daddy. hehehe.


so maybe i'll be more like my dad when i get older. i wouldn't mind. not that there's anything wrong with being like my mother. but i mean, come on. what girl wants to be just like her mother when she gets old?

on a side note: jared, my mom wants us to come down for dinner sunday night. :) what do ya say?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

to blaaaaaaaaaave....

if you don't know what the title means, that sounds like a personal problem.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

well blow me down!

arrrrrrr it be international talk like a pirate day me hearties!

time for some rum!
shiver me timbers!
I'd love to drop anchor in your lagoon.
I've crushed seventeen men's skulls between me thighs!

Monday, September 18, 2006


well i'd say i had a pretty darn awesome weekend.

friday, josh, carmen, and i had a blast at mcguire's celebrating her bday!
i was in disguise, as seen below:
how do i look with black hair?

i even got hit on hard core by one of carmen's theater friends. too bad for him, at midnight i left to go see my squeeze... still in costume. i looked like a different person because carmen did my makeup and i had black hair.

jared even said "it's like i'm making out with a completely different person". i'm not sure whether that was a good thing or a bad thing. :p

saturday was another ho hummer which basically just involved me and the jayrod going to the mall, and then to work. oh, after work we went to hooters.. it was my idea though. he loves that place and i figured i may as well embrace it. it wasn't bad though. it's basically just a restaurant. that's it. nothing to be concerned about. and it was good for us to go together i think.

sunday we went up to my dad's for a 'meet the parents' day. jared didn't say much, since he's so shy when he's around new people. but i don't think that mattered. my dad pretty much gets along with anybody i bring around, and i'm pretty sure he liked jared, since he knows how much i like him. but most of the day was just me and my dad talking, as always. then we came back to hickory for a lazy night of football and family guy.

boo buccaneers.
yay mountaineers.
and so on.

oh, and, HI JARED! welcome to my blog.

Friday, September 15, 2006

oh yea... and...


I know I told you happy birthday when you woke me up at 7:15(!!!!!)a.m. this morning, but again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY)

Tonight at McGuire's Pub:

Come Join Us!!

i'm definitely swept away


the avett brothers.
and bob.

that show was AWESOME.
can i just say, i had soooooooooooooooooooooo much fun last night!? they really put on an entertaining show! they played a lot of songs, most of which i knew, about 2 or 3 that i didn't. they played a loooong set of foot-stompin, body shaking, heart pounding music. i LOVED it. i'm pretty sure stephen the fox had fun too. when they were done with the main set, they came back on, one by one, and each played a solo song. then, they came out at once and played their most rockin song of all, talk on indolescence. if you don't know that song, go to their myspace profile and listen to it. now imagine it played live, with the bassline poppin, and 300 screaming college students jumping up and down to it. yea. it's that good.

then they finished, and then came back for ANOTHER encore. crazy! and awesome. of course, i forgot my camera in my car, so i have no pictures. stephen took a couple with his camera phone, and even took a video. as soon as he gets to work, i'll make him put it on the internet for ya so you can understand the madness.

after everything was done, i got to talk to bob (the bassist) and scott (the hot, even with the scraggly beard, banjo player). they signed my CD cover. awesome. i would have waited around for seth because i wanted to give him my brother's phone number (they used to be friends), but by that point it was 12:15 and i had an idea it would be a while before seth came out. we didn't get back to hickory til 1:20!! aarrh!! sooooo tired.
and i'm pretty sure stephen has some permanent hearing damage. but like i told stephen, if you're going to lose hearing, at least lose it doing something cool. like seeing the avett brothers.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Gettin my Avett On

"Well you send my life a whirling
darling when you're twirling
on the floor

Who cares about tomorrow
What more is tomorrow
than another day

When you swept me away
Yeah you swept me away"

Today is a great day! I found out yesterday that The Avett Brothers, my favoritest band, are going to be playing in Boone at Legends tonight! And since I'm not working, I can go! I haven't seen them play in so long. I honestly believe I haven't seen them perform since maybe 2002, if not earlier. When I did see them, I had barely heard of them and did not know any of their songs. Tonight, I will know 90% of their songs! I will be able to sing along! I will be so close! I am going to have a grande olde time! I'm making Stephen the Fox go with me, since he's the only person I know who could actually appreciate them, other than my brother. I may try to convince Katie to go. She doesn't know their music, but since it's in Boone, you never know.

Seth and Scott and Bob are so fine

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

i'm better now.

i'm feeling a lot better now. the plan is to enjoy the time together we have, and then see what happens down the line. maybe he'll hate boone.. doubtful, but it could happen.

in other news, i went to see the boy at the brush last night, and check out the stylishness that they're making us wear over our uniforms until oct. 1:

i think i'd rather just quit than wear that thing.

friday is carmen's birthday! yay! we'll be skelebrating all night at mcguire's pub. come join us! and sunday is the day i'm taking jared up to see my dad.. woohooo!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


looks like i'm finally going to break my new years resolution (be happy).

jared has accepted the management job in boone and will be moving in february, if not sooner.

i've never felt more awful about feeling awful in my life. i should be happy for him for getting a better job where he will be making great money and living in boone. but instead i can't stop crying.

Monday, September 11, 2006

ho hum...

i haven't had a lot to blog about lately, as i've been doing pretty much the same thing week after week! but i'm perfectly happy with that. this weekend was another weekend like most, spent at the brush and then o charlie's for drinks and such. yesterday i did go to BOB's to watch my team, tampa bay, suck it up big time and lose to the baltimore ravens 27 to 0. owch. put me in a foul mood when i had to be at the brush at 4 pm. and the brush last night?
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we didn't get a single table after 7:30 pm. that means tonight will be hella busy. at least tonight i'll have jared with me.

saturday night was the first time i got to work with Telisha. Telisha is a girl who just started at the brush. jared was her trainer. everyone has been telling me that she is obsessed with jared and that she has a crush on him. i believed this, as she added him on myspace and has already put comments on his page and stuff. i am mature, so i pretend to not care and tell jared i'm not listening to the hype and it doesn't bother me if she likes him, hell i'm not the jealous type.

but that's just not true. i am the jealous type. i get hella jealous. all i could think when i heard about this girl was 'step off bitch/that's my man'. but i kept those thoughts to myself.

and good thing.

because saturday night we all three worked together and i realized that she does like jared, but not as much as everyone had me to believe. she's actually a nice, young (18), girl who probably just thinks jared is cute and wants to be his friend. but she knows he's mine. jared was actually especially lovey that night, being sure to be super sweet to me in front of her all night long. that made me feel like a million bucks. i love that boy.

and last night i worked with her without jared and i think we could actually be friends.. although i do have to say she talks way too much. but at least she does her work.

just goes to show that the drama at the brush never ends and thank god i'm smart enough to not listen to the hype and to form my own opinions of people.

also, jared's still not sure he's taking the boone position. i hope to god he doesn't because i would miss him so much.. but i can't tell him not to take it. but honestly i also think that the job would kill him. he already works way too hard there and way too many hours.

i have a bad feeling about this.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


there is a management position opening at the brush in boone. jared is 90% sure he is going to take it. which means in december and january he will be commuting to boone. and in february, he will be moving to boone.

which means i won't be able to see him every day. or even talk to him every day. i'm so afraid of what's going to happen...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

go apps! fight apps! kick ass!

well i had a long and exciting(?) weekend. saturday was exciting since katie and i went to the appalachian (pronounced app-a-lach(like apple)-ian) versus nc state game. sure, we lost, but we're still fans. i have to say, i've rarely felt so school spirit-y. even when i was in the marching band for app, i always cheered, but i never really felt like they needed me to cheer for them. this game, they definitely needed as many of us there to cheer for them as possible. the stupid red wolf-calls made me want to throw up. and not because of the 12 mini bottles of malibu i drank. i lost my voice from screaming so much. thank god for the plastic bullhorn thinggies that they were passing out at the alumni tent. they did a great job of amplifying all of our "goooooooooo appalachian"s.

gold better than red

it really felt cool to be a part of this small crowd. i felt sooooo lucky to be there. thank god for katie! woo!

the rest of the weekend was cool too! we got to stay with andrea's parents, who are so very nice.

i worked sunday and last night at the brush and actually made some money. i got to see jared a lot (of course). and he was sweet enough to tell me he missed me since saturday was the first time in forever that i didn't see him in a full 24 hours. after the state game, katie and i and a few others were at the bar and some random state guy started talking to me. he was nice, so i was nice back. but when we were about to leave, he kept pawing at me and trying to get my phone number. i was like, if i didn't have jared, i would have given him the chance. but i didn't! it just proves how i've still got it, but i don't need it :) here's a picture of the dork:
this dude wanted me soooooo bad.

anywho! tonight i'm off. i'm going to CLEAN my home. it needs it soooooo bad!!!

yay for cleaning!

Thursday, August 31, 2006

I knew it!!!!!!!

he really DOES love me!

and just to prove i didn't photoshop it, here's where i found it.

now that's a great way to start your morning.

another great way to start your morning is by waking up next to someone you love. sorry boys, but i believe i'm taken. and hopefully for a while. last night jared said something to me that really made me sad. so i got all quiet and pensive like i always do when i'm sad. he noticed, and kept bugging me til i talked to him about it. turns out i just misunderstood him!

he asked me why i was so afraid to talk to him about this stuff. well, duh, it's because i don't want to scare him away! and he finally said what i've been waiting to hear for a long time, "you're not going to scare me away, i promise". after a long talk of this nature, and me almost crying (cause i'm a girl) i finally went to sleep, peacefully, and happily.

by the way Beerfest is a funny movie. not one i'd want to own though. not as good as SuperTroopers.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Napoleon Bonapug

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(click on picture for more puggidy goodness)

i swear one day i'll have one.

Monday, August 28, 2006

uhh.. oops?

so how about last night i was playing poker over at jared's and i was drunk and i accidentally told jared that i love him.


Friday, August 25, 2006

cleaning house

i was going through my pictures on my computer and cleaning out some of the junk, and i found a few pictures that made me laugh, so i thought i'd share!

uploaded for myspace:

i got crazy one day in sagebrush:


here's one just because it's sexy:

in prep for next saturday:

and a throwback:

okay one more, here's a picture i found today of my favorite phantom of the opera, gerard butler:

i'm bored. but tonight i'm working with jared. again. i still get giddy anticipating seeing him. :)

tomorrow night: work, then poker.
sunday: fantasy draft, and.. well.. that's it!

have a good weekend yall.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

thanks ona!

got my $2.00 POTC shirt in the mail today!


it's about damn time.

oh well

after considering everyone's comments, i've decided not to notify the police about the crack dealer. it seems like most of the time, bad people like that eventually get their come-uppins. i just hope that i hear about it when he does go to prison. and i hope that once there, he becomes some dude's bitch. that would be superb.

i've been having a lot of fun lately adjusting to having two cats and a dog in the condo. i'm starting to think maybe i DON't want a dog. not for a while anyway. my mom's trying to find a home for a 5 year old boston terrier. i wouldn't mind. they are beautiful dogs. and a 5 year old already knows how to behave, and has it's shots and is housebroken.. but.. i'm not ready yet. not until i KNOW i can walk it 3 times a day. which basically means, when there's no second job. that's what i love about cats. you don't have to pay that much attention to them once they're past the kitten stage. hell, you can leave em for a couple days with food and water and they're fine. not that i've had to do that with meatwad or anything. that's the benefit of having roommates. carmen is nice enough to feed meatwad for me on the mornings i'm not home.

the next few weeks are looking to be pretty cool. this weekend is the brush fantasy football draft. there is a big poker tourney at ace the corvetter's place, which i really hope jared will go to with me. that would be especially fun since ace's brother, who i hooked up with on new year's, will be there. ha!

then next thursday jayrod and i are going to asheville for the last thirsty thursday game of the season! fun! and on saturday katie and i are going to Raleigh for the big NC State/Appalachian game! woo! we don't actually have tickets, but we're going anyways, in hopes of "finding" some outside the gates.

i bought an Appalachian car flag yesterday in Boone, just so i could show some spirit on the way to Raleigh.

and today, i got my ticket for the Buccaneers/panthers game in November!



Monday, August 21, 2006

karma dilemma

let's get serious here for a minute. i'm going to talk about crack. crack is a vile dispicable drug that ruins people. it ruins families, it ruins lives. crack can turn even the smartest kid into a disgusting, putrid excuse for a human being that will stop at nothing to get money for more crack.

crack is the biggest reason why my family is so damn disfunctional. it happened when i was in middle school and early high school. my brother was a crackhead. my oldest brother. it took us forever to get through it. it took lots of money, a divorce (my parents), jail time, and the hatred of his fifteen year old sister (not to mention the rest of his family) for him to get through it. but we finally did and by the time i was 18 we were pretty much okay.

then, about 2 years ago, right before i moved to hickory, it happened again. this time, it ended HIS marriage. it caused him to go bankrupt. he lost his house, he only sees his young daughter every other weekend or so. his family, which finally learned to trust him again, lost any and all hope of that ever happening again. i went for a month without speaking to him. i didn't even want to see him.

but eventually things seemed to brighten. he went to live with my dad up in the mountains and that seemed to get him out of it. my family is apparently over it. but deep down i still can't stand him. i don't like to talk to him or be around him for extended periods of time. my own brother and i can barely force myself to love him.

so what would you do if you found yourself in the following situation, having had this happen to your family:

i was at o'chuck's restaurant the other night with a bunch of people from the brush. we were all talking and having fun and blah blah blah. one of the cooks who i don't know real well was there, and having a few drinks. he starts to tell me a story about some bullshit or another, but starts it out by telling us that he sells crack. crack! i stopped his story right there and asked him why. he said it was for the money. i tried to explain to him that crack ruins people and families. i'm pretty sure i said something about how crack makes people's loved ones wish they were dead.

ok, so i had had 2 or 3 mixed drinks at this point. but i still stand by trying to make him feel bad. i don't think it worked though. jared was trying to keep me tame. and it's a good thing he was sitting between me and the crack dealer because i definitely think if i had kept going i would have had to punch him. and i've never in my life punched someone i wasn't related to.

would it be wrong of me to notify the police that someone has admitted to me that they're a crack dealer? i know his name, where he works and what kind of car he drives.

the brush would have to hire a new cook. and i'm pretty sure at least jared would know it was me. but he told me he wouldn't care if i told the police (he doesn't like the guy either).

so what would you do?

Thursday, August 17, 2006

some fun links..

thanks to gorillamask

X-Rays are fun

10 bartender myths

yawning celebrities

and here's one from fark that really hits close to home.


Monday, August 14, 2006


i thought of a subject. this is muy muy importante!!!

what should i go as for halloween yall?
don't say pirate.. that's a cop out. i went as a pirate last year.. and two years before that.. i need something else.

it's always difficult to find that one perfect costume. but i must do it!

to get you started here are a few past costumes:

last year:
yarrrrr captain red poon

year before:
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Allison as Tom Petty as The Mad Hatter

so you see, i need something equally awesome as these.

hmm... blogging block...

i don't really have anything to write about because things seem to be going so good for me right now. my test results from my surgery came back great, so i'm no longer worrying about that. both my jobs are treating me pretty good. it's getting busy again at the brush as school is starting back. carmen moved in with me over the weekend and we're already having a blast as RE-roomies. it's been since may of 2003 since we lived together! too long! the only problem is, cheddar (her cat) HATES meatwad and barely comes out of carmen's room. won't eat or anything! i hope she gets over the trauma soon.

meatwad is going tomorrow (tuesday) to be nuetered! yay! maybe he'll calm down some then.

and things seem to be going pretty good with jared. i'm starting to worry that i may like him too much. i think about him all damn day. and anytime i haven't talked talked to him in like 20 hours, i freak out and think something must be wrong. that's not normal. i'm probably over thinking things wayyyyyyyyyyy too much. gah! stop it!

um.. anywho...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006



good news

went back to the g-doctor today and all is well. my test results came back good! so i am officially back to normal. at least, as far as that goes. i still feel weird occasionally.. but i'm ignoring it.

remember that wedding i went to a few weeks ago?
they finally posted the wedding pics on the website. here's my favorite one, which shows how much i want to get married:

i'm like, sarcastically reaching for the bouquet. and i'm more interested in my beer than anything else.

Monday, August 07, 2006

meatwad's soon-to-be-ex nuts

is it wrong that i'm excited about taking my cat to be neutered next week?
he's only 4.5 months old, but i think it's time. carmen's moving in next week, and cheddar has not been spayed, so this is the best thing. of course, they are moving in on the 12th, and the appointment isn't until the 15th. but i think as much as cheddar hates meatwad, there won't be any copulation. i hope. i also hope against hope that this will calm him down. i love him so much, but he is a mean little fucker. i have scratches like all over body from where i'll just be sitting on the couch and he'll run up and claw me and then run away. i yell at him, which i know does nothing. i don't know what else to do. i'm also thinking that with cheddar and bertha (the dog) moving in with carmen, that this will calm him down some too. after carmen moves, i may get meatwad a friend. we'll see. i really want a pug, but i can't do this until i quit sagebrush. i have to dedicate time to the beast.

things seem to be going great with jared. except he doesn't like the nickname of big pete. he thinks it's weird. so i guess i'll just call him jared.

dustin (OMG!) texted me last week for the first time in months. i was at jared's when he texted me. i'm sure i know what he wanted (booty call). but i've got a main squeeze now. so i told him that. and i'm sure that disappointed him. too bad for him. i just now typed something comparing the two. but then i remembered that dustin used to read this blog... maybe still does... so i erased it. i'm not going to be mean. i'll just say i wish that me and dustin could be friends. but JUST friends.

i'm tired.

wednesday i have a follow up appointment at the G-doctor. she'll be telling me any results from the biopsy, and also telling me whether or not i can "resume normal activity". it's been a LONG 2 weeks. i hope i get good news.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

scariest/creepiest/craziest pirate video i've seen.

do you think they really danced like that?

stolen from RockStarMommy


funny list of men's rules. SO true.

scratch that...

all is well :)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

last night sucked.

so last night flat out sucked. i did get to see carmen for a few minutes, so that was good. but then i went to the brush. to see big pete. at first things were fine. he was his normal, happy-go-lucky self and even made me kiss his cheek in front of everyone. i sat down at a table and ordered a burger. still good. then, a fellow brusher came in, with 4 little kids and 3 other adults. a party of 8. normally this would be fine. but it was 9:30. we close at 10. big pete was the only one left on, so of course he had to wait on them. he also had to wait on the three other tables that were there, and me. again, normally this would be fine. but there were 4 little kids. little kids leave messes. also, since there were 8 of them, they had to sit at a party table, and not in big pete's ACTUAL section. even though it wasn't his section, he still had to clean it up all by hisself and sweep everything. he wouldn't have had to do this if they hadn't come in. i'm sorry, but that's just flat out rude. especially when you work somewhere. it's different if you're ONE person (like me) and you're going to make little to no mess. but 8? with 4 little kids? rude.

so then when they FINALLY left at 10:30, big pete brought out a big pan to start bussing the tables. naturally, i walked over to the table and tried to help. he said "i got it". normally he lets me help. then, he wouldn't talk to ANYBODY in there. i kept trying to get him to say something.. anything.. but to no avail. he was in a FOUL mood and obviously i wasn't helping. so finally i just left. i did tell him i was leaving and that if he felt like it he could text me later or something. then he gave me a hug and kiss goodbye. i know he wasn't pissed at me, he was pissed at his situation. but i've NEVER seen him like that. it made me sad and scared.

so of course i didn't hear from him so at midnight i went to sleep. well, tried to go to sleep. i couldn't really because i couldn't stop thinking about things. then, i finally fell asleep. then at 12:45 he called me and apologized for being mean to me. he still wouldn't really talk.. and i could tell he was still in a foul mood, but i still felt better definitely knowing he wasn't pissed at me.

anyways i'm going to try to get him to hang out with me tonight. hopefully he'll be in a better mood!

pissy boys suck!

Monday, July 31, 2006

super aweee

big pete and me at o'charlie's friday night:
he's only a liiiiiittle bit trashed