As a Thanksgiving Treat for you, I present, Mullets. Mullets are the coolest hair style ever. I love taking pictures of them if I can. It's risky, but it's a thrill. It's my extreme sport.
Hey I have a mullet myspace my brother in law got me started on it he took some funny pics from the NASCAR race we were at as did I this past weekend. the space is Mullet Mania 2008. Deb
I'm a woman who occasionally sees fit to blog about my cat, dog, baby and husband, and Appalachian football, and well any other thing that pops into my head. Big fan of Doctor Who, Star Wars, and
Harry Potter.
It's a look a really hope becomes extinct.
There was a mullet at the Contra Dance last night in Durham!!!!! I thought of you and wished I had my camera with me.
Hey I have a mullet myspace my brother in law got me started on it he took some funny pics from the NASCAR race we were at as did I this past weekend.
the space is Mullet Mania 2008.
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