I LOVE shoes. Everytime I buy a new pair of shoes, I want to treat them like a baby. I want to wear them everywhere... I love cute shoes. I love pretty shoes. Sometimes I love ugly shoes. I really really love cute cheap shoes. As much of a shoe lover as I am, I still refuse to spend more than $30.00 on one pair. I would really like a pair of Rainbow Flip Flops, but I don't want to pay $40 for a pair of flip flops. I try to limit myself to only buying around 6 pairs a year. But if I find a good deal, it's on. On like Donkey Kong. I have some pairs of shoes that I've had since high school. When I went to my mom's house 2 weeks ago, I found a pair of shoes in the closet that my mom had bought me to wear to my 8th grade end of year band concert. I only wore them that once and then put them back in the box. Guess what? They still fit. And they are awesome. Some of my cool Converse One-Stars still fit, too. I still have my senior prom shoes. Pretty shoes just make me feel good inside.
These are my favorite shoes, which I bought last year at JC Penny's (for $18.00-75%off!!!):

High School Prom shoes:

By the way, don't look at this in large size. You'll see my serious need of a pedicure.
Most of my shoes (which I laid out all pretty for ya:

You know what I don't get? How can boys live with only 4 or 5 pairs of shoes?
Doesn't make sense.
That looks a lot like my shoe collection. I've found some awesome shoes at goodwill. I know! They're in great shape and I don't think they were worn more than once.
My fav shoes will have to be my aqua converse. I wear them as much as possible!
You know what I don't understand? How women can own 500 pairs of shoes when they only wear 4 or 5 pairs on a regular basis. The others generally get worn once and are forgotten.
I have 5 pairs of shoes, 1 pair of black dress shoes for formal events, one pair of comfortable sneakers for work, 1 pair of sandals for wearing around the house and the beach, 1 pair of converse all-stars 'cause they rock and 1 pair of adidas shell toes because they are also the shit. That's already more that I could possibly need. I could easily do without the adidas and the converse!
love those black sassy shoes!
I really like the first pair you listed! You have a really large collection! I love finding vintage shoes in good condition.
Just wanted to let you know about a giveaway I'm hosting this week - come check it out! Thank you!
You can't have enough black shoes
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