Okay, this one is a liiiittle bit of a cop out, since I no longer collect Barbies. But when I was a young'n, I had a lot of them! My mother still has them all at her house. My favorites were the one redhead barbie I had (guess why.), my
Joey McIntyre Ken doll, my
Brandon Walsh doll, and my MC Hammer doll. I somehow lost the Brandon Walsh doll :(. But I still have the MC Hammer and the Joey McIntyre. Plus, about 20 Barbies, and boxes and boxes of accessories, including a horse, a big pink limo (with hottub), and a store.

I opened a box and found Hammer and Joey M like this:

Please tell me you brought them home.
MC Hammer and Joey - caught together.
'You Can't Touch This'
hahahahaha Nice.
nope, i left them there. for now.
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