You can click on them to see them bigger.
Brandon Flowers and the bassist from the Killers:
He is super hot, and worth the 2 hour wait after the show. And the 6 hour drive to Myrtle Beach to see them at the House of Blues. Also there we got
Louis XIV:
Gravity Kills, Faith No More, and Our Lady Peace:
By the way, Raine Maida from Our Lady Peace is really hot. And Nice.
From a Weenie Roast.
Fred from Cowboy Mouth:
It says, "To Allison <3 Fred". Also a very nice guy. From a Great Guiness Toast in Downtown Charlotte.
Athenaeum and Athenaeum:
They are a localish band who I saw 5 times in high school and college. They are all cool except Grey Brewster. He's an ass. Good thing they kicked him out.
Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day:
Yippee! One of my faves. Green Day was my absolute favorite band in Middle School. And I was in love with Billie Joe. I saw them at Tremont Music Hall in Charlotte when I was 15 and they were everything I ever wanted in a rock show. I even crowd surfed! I didn't really get to know if Billie Joe was nice or not, but he is cute.
Far Too Jones, Jolene, and Athenaeum again:
I honestly don't remember the first two bands, but these are all from a Weenie Roast.
Jimmie's Chicken Shack, Better than Ezra, and Cracker:
I really like all three of these bands! They all seemed very nice! From a Weenie Roast, and the Great Guiness Toast, all in Charlotte.
Lead singer of Semisonic, Lead singer of The Refreshments, and Soulfly:
Semisonic sang that song "I Know who I want to take me home". That guy was cool, he drew the mustache on George Washington. The lead singer of the Refreshments (who sang the Bandidos song that you don't know, but I love) was hot and I kissed him on the cheek. Soulfly consists of some ex members of Sepultura, a South American Metal band. They were hardcore.
Vanilla Ice:
Saw him on his metal comeback tour at Tremont. I gave him a hug and he smelled like pot. This was after his big Christian coming out on VH1.
AJ Poppoff from Lit, and Daniel Johns from Silverchair:
Daniel Johns used to be one of the hottest men alive (click here) and I made my brother and his friend drive all the way down to Atlanta with me to see them. Then, I made them wait with me 3 hours after the show (in the cold). There were 50 people there waiting and he only signed 5 autographs. I'm a lucky girl, especially since he touched my hand.
Linkin Park:
Anybody want? I'm not really big fans, but they're okay. From an Ozzfest.
And one of my faves, Bloodhound Gang:
Who couldn't love the guys who brought us "The Bad Touch" (the discovery channel), "Kiss Me Where it Smells Funny" and "Why is Everybody Always Pickin on Me"?
From a Weenie Roast.
I have more, and no pictures..
Are you jealous? Probably not.
I saw Better Than Erza and Jimmie's Chicken Shack together at an all day concert in Charlotte years ago. I can't remember when it was. Also, Dishwalla played and Anthenaeum. Creed closed for them. I hate Creed. Were you there? Athenaeum was big here in G'boro during their short brush with fame since most of them were based here. My mother actually knew which ever one went to G'boro Day because she worked there. I see the lead singer around here in the 'burbs. He does landscaping.
I use to love Faith No More.
Hey, I was at the same concert as you! I hate Creed too, but I was forced to listen to him that day.
You see Mark Kano around Gboro? That's cool. Next time you see him, tell him thanks for being so awesome and that I still have 2 of their CDs. Oh, and give him a smooch for me.
i forgot about that collection. you are a collecting machine. hot tub is awesome!!
I used to love Far Too Jones! They were a local band for me growing up. And isn't Daniel Johns still the hottest man alive? What happened??? I used to love him too. And I think Silverchair has a new-ish album!
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