Tuesday, August 09, 2005

six feet under

rarely would i ever describe a t.v. show as art.. but this weeks episode of six feet under was art. i watched it last night at carmen's.. we both cried the whole time... everything was just so REAL.. and beautiful.. after watching this, now we're both considering having "green" funerals. that's where they don't embalm you and they bury in a biodegradable shroud in a national park somewhere.. it was really cool.. i think the women on this show all deserve emmy's. the girl who plays claire has never really impressed me before, but this show she reallly brought it all to the table.. SO good. i'm so sad that there's only like 2 episodes left.. what am i gonna watch now?

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Katie Bonk said...

Sorry- I don't watch this one... Bedtime is 10:00!

Allison said...

it comes on at 9 on sunday night!!!

Katie Bonk said...

ummmmm, isn't it going off the air though?

Allison said...

yea.. but you should see the last two episodes.. they promise to be great.. :)