Monday, July 30, 2007


Anybody else ever get addicted to Discovery Channel? When I was in high school I was got so addicted that I called in sick to my pizza job and sat there all night watching a special about giant squids. Of course this was before DVR and I hated taping things off the tv. When my mom got home and realized what was going on she dragged me away from the tv and we went out. I realize this isn't a huge big deal but honestly, that channel is SO good.

I have since then been really careful about how much DC I watch. Yesterday I was in Durham at Brad's (my other best friend) house nursing a hangover and cramps and sat on his couch watching four hours of Discovery Channel. It is the beginnning of Shark Week, which makes for great tv. I love sharks, but I fear them tremendously, which is why I force myself to look at pictures of them and watch videos of them. Although I do wish Shark week didn't coincide with the beach trip I am leaving on this Thursday.

Anywho it got to be 5:00 and I still had to drive the 2.5 hours to get back to Hickory and my cats so I dragged myself away. But darnit, I want to watch more Shark Week!!


Unknown said...

You should see Discovery HD on an HDTV. It is fucking awesome.

Joan said...

This morning the dj's on the morning radio show were talking about shark week, too. I have to avoid it. Catherine gets freaked out. They're not sharks but Chloe loves our 2 aquariums.

Katie Bonk said...

sooooooo you don't get it at your house?

Allison said...

i get it, i'm just trying not to watch it. ;)